Community Yard Sale – 2021

The next Chadwick Shores Community Yard Sale will be held Saturday, May 15, 2021 from 8am-12pm. I will be creating a map as has been done in the past, and passing out balloons and flags to those home participating. If you want to be included in this year’s Sale, please take a moment to fill out the information in this link so that I can get you added to the map.

I have 8 signs that will be placed around the Sneads Ferry area as well as at the entrance to our neighborhood. Remember if you live on a side street it is helpful to place your own side at the intersection of CSD to draw shoppers to your house (many of them just like to drive the loop) If you have any questions just let me know!!

For more information please email


**Please note that this is not an HOA sponsored event, and all costs are being paid for by the neighbors organizing this event.