April 19, 2018
An open forum for residents of the Chadwick Shores community was held at 6:30 pm prior to the regularly
scheduled Board meeting; several of our residents were in attendance.
CALL TO ORDER: The CSHOA Board of Directors meeting was held at the Sneads Ferry Community Center on April 19, 2018 and was called to order at 7:10 pm by Rick DuFlocq.
Members present:
Rick DuFlocq President
Janet Gargano Secretary
Jonathan Chrisant Director at Large
Anna Urankar Resident Advisor
Members absent:
Ray Baker Treasurer
Zack Snively Vice-President
Patti Strum Resident Advisor
Anna gave the report on the Easter Egg Hunt which was sponsored by the CSHOA and held at the community Playground. The event was attended by about fifty children along with their parent(s), was very successful. The cost for this was $521.00.
The Board discussed having something for the 4th of July such as a parade around the Playground with some refreshments, afterwards.
Jonathan suggested having a community Halloween on the Saturday before; he noted that with Halloween falling on a Wednesday this would be a better fit for our service members being able to participate with their children.
Preparations are underway for the upcoming community yard sale. Information will be posted on our Chadwick Shores website and updated as needed.
Three of our neighborhood stop signs were stolen; a police report has been filed but no information on the vandalism has been forthcoming. The cost of replacing the wooden signs and posts is $250.00 each; therefore the Board is in agreement to replace them with metal signs and posts which will be cemented in the ground.
Jonathan Chrisant presented the updated quote for the proposed fitness station which included the cost of the turf installation and a re-evaluation of some of the stations.
The Board will hold further evaluation and discussions on the proposed Dog Park regarding the additional increase in insurance as well as other unresolved issues before the proposal is brought up for a vote
The Board discussed providing water for the Playground and ascertained that the most affordable way to go would be with a shallow well pump which will connect to a sprinkler system. ECC Landscaping would do the work pursuant to the Board approving their estimate. The board has also recouped the $1500 which was held back from the drainage company on the condition that the ‘seeded grass’ they put down would take root.
The engineering company took the soil sample for evaluation done on the property at 1518 CSD, put the Board decided to hold off going any further until all our current projects are completed.
Anna gave an update status on the new Chadwick Shores website; a preview should be available next week for the Board to view, and property owners will soon be able to log in and submit their comments and questions at HOABoard@chadwickshores.com
The Board feels it is time to begin a more aggressive move into building up the Reserve Fund, and keep up with the cost of inflation for maintaining the quality of CSHOA. We will begin to fine tune the 2019 budget with that objective in mind and the planning for future road repaving.
Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.
Submitted by Janet Gargano, Secretary