August 20, 2019
MEETING DATE: August 20, 2019
The CSHOA Board of Directors meeting was held at the Sneads Ferry Presbyterian Church on August 20, 2019 and was called to order at 7:00 pm by Rick DuFlocq, President.
Present: Rick DuFlocq – President
Jonathan Chrisant – Vice President
Janet Gargano – Secretary
Patti Sturm – Director-at-Large
Russ Keith – Resident Advisor
Excused Ray Baker – Treasurer
absence: Trisha Smith – Resident Advisor
Rachel Carter – Website Administrator
Residents attending were Guinn Beaver, Ellen Gearon
President’s report:
- ECC cleared the small piles of debris left in the right of ways, and also removed small trees and brush along the right of way at 524 CSD in order to make the visibility much clearer for vehicles coming around that curve.
- The soil and twig samples from the two birch trees at the front entrance which were sent for testing analysis, showed no cause as to why these trees are dying. The board was of the opinion that these trees will not recover, and asked ECC to provide an estimate for cutting them down to the ground.
- ECC leveled the ‘mound’ at the playground and will provide an estimate for reseeding the area.
- ECC is checking the sprinkler system at the Waterfront Park to ascertain why it has not been watering.
- Playground update: The soccer goals have relocated and are ready for use.
- Drainage update: Rainstorm Solutions will be completing the drainage work at 707 CSD.
- Octoberfest – the date for the Octoberfest has been sent for October 5th from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm at the Waterfront Park. Further details will be posted on the CS website and Nextdoor.
- HOA still needs volunteers to move the speed indicating device (SID) around the neighborhood.
- The agenda for the upcoming September community meeting was discussed. The HOA Board will ask for volunteers to fill the three vacant positions for the 2020 CSHOA Board of Directors. It was decided that nomination forms will be mailed to owners in September. The Board is also seeking volunteers for a Nomination Committee.
- Budget Development:
PMC has advised that they will be increasing their fee in 2020 by 5.5%.
Ray Baker, CSHOA treasurer, figured in a inflation related increase for all the utility costs in the 2020 budget.
Rick and Chris Manning (PMC) are compiling an up to date count of the developed and undeveloped lots in the HOA to make sure there is an accurate count for the 2020 budget. The Board will work with PMC to solicit bids for the 2020 Landscape contract.
- Secretary’s report: The minutes of the July 16, 2019 BOD meeting were sent to members for review and approval. A motion to approve the minutes was made Rick DuFlocq; 2nd by Ray Baker. All Approved. The minutes will be posted on our CS website. It was also decided to keep the “executive session” on the agendas
that are shown on the CS website (some exceptions may apply).
- Treasurer’s report: There was an overview of the current status of accounts and budget items as of July 2019. Currently we there is a $2,974 shortfall in the budgeted General Assessments, however there are still 24 delinquent accounts remaining. There are 19 owners who are only one year late in payment.
There are budget items in which there is still money available. Drainage expenditures did go over the budget, but that was expected. Legal expenses will show an overage due to how the various court cases (liens and foreclosures) are settled, and after the attorneys and PMC collect their fees. However, the attorney’s fees will be recouped as part of any settlement.
After all is said and done, the Year to Date total for July is up compared to 2018, and the everything is looking very good financially.
Vice-President – Jonathan will install the horseshoe pits he is donating at the Playground this weekend, weather permitting.
Director-at-Large – Patti received a price from Jackson Signs in the amount of $15.00 each for the two signs to be placed on the shelters in the common areas; the Board unanimously approved the purchase.
Website Administrator –
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made Janet Gargano, 2nd by Rick DuFlocq All Approved
Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned a t 8:40 pm.
Submitted by Janet Gargano, Secretary