February 16, 2021

Chadwick Shores Homeowner Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

February 16, 2021


Meeting was held at the Sneads Ferry Presbyterian Church with no Resident participation due to COVID-19.  Meeting was called to order at 7:05


Present: Rick DuFlocq- President

Peter Allen- Vice President 

Milton Uzzell – Treasurer – excused absence

Trisha Smith – Director at Large

Patti Sturm – Secretary 

Rachel Carter- Website Administrator – excused absence

Russ Keith – Residential Advisor


  1. Board approved sale of 6 gate remotes to new owners upon their taking occupancy of the home.
  2. Food truck owner application to set up at the playground on April 23rd was discussed.  Board set the hours of operation between 4-8 pm.
  3. Discussed what board members wanted to have the opportunity to review new home plan submittals.
  4. 2020 end of year financial summary reviewed.  $29,100 was carried over from the 2020 budget and added to reserve funds. 
  5. New gate signs to go up providing contact number to be called in case of a gate malfunction.
  6. Holiday lights at the entrance have been removed with exception of two trees – contractor to be contacted.
  1.   Kudos for debris removal from right of ways given to Trisha and Adam Smith.
  1. Estimates to be solicited for repairs on Fullard Drive where drainpipe under the roadway is collapsing.
  2. Community safety issues to include, Recent car break-ins, increased Sheriff’s Department patrols – including being able to cite reckless driving incidents within the community, establishment of neighborhood watch, recent resident involvement in illegal activities and need for further safety measures discussed.  TNT to remove porta-potty till weather warms up.
  3. Outside burning in the neighborhood and whether burn permits are required in Chadwick Shores was discussed.

Secretary’s Report – January meeting minutes approved.

Treasurer’s Report – No Report 

Vice-President – No report

Director-at-Large – Signage discussed

Adjournment – Motion to adjourn made by Patti Sturm and seconded by Peter Allen and Trisha Smith.  Adjournment at 9:05

Next Meeting is March 16, 2021 at 7pm Sneads Ferry Presbyterian Church.  There is the possibility that the number of people allowed to attend the meeting could be expanded depending on what room the meeting will be held.
