February 19, 2019
MEETING DATE: February 19, 2019
The CSHOA Board of Directors meeting was held at the Sneads Ferry Presbyterian Church on February 19, 2019 and was called to order at 7:00 pm by Rick DuFlocq, President. The Board welcomed and introduced our newest volunteer Resident Advisor, Trisha Smith, and also expressed its thanks to Rachel Carter who has volunteered to be our new Chadwick Shores Website Administrator.
Members present: Rick DuFlocq – President
Jonathan Chrisant – Vice President
Janet Gargano – Secretary
Ray Baker – Treasurer
Patti Strum – Director at large
Russ Keith – Resident Advisor
Trisha Smith – Resident Advisor
Guest: Eric Corbett, owner of ECC
Residents attending were Quinn Beavin, Stephanie Earny and Eva Moore.
- The Board reviewed the estimate provided from ECC for work to be done at the Waterfront Park and the playground: removal of a dangerously large tree limb near the dock and a dying tree at the entrance of the Waterfront Park, and the removal of two (2) trees at the Playground, including grinding of the stumps and seeding of that area.
- A motion was made by Janet Gargano that the Board approve the estimate from ECC and proceed with the tree service as described at the Waterfront Park and the Playground at a total cost of $3,370.00 (three thousand three hundred seventy dollars). Motion was 2nd by Jonathan Chrisant; All Approved. Motion passed.
- A motion was made by Rick DuFlocq that the Board accept the estimate from ECC for the seeding of the described area at the Playground at a total cost of $2,268.00 (two thousand two hundred sixty-eight dollars). Motion was 2nd by Janet Gargano; All Approved. Motion passed.
- The Board discussed several options to repair/replace the section of the walkway at the Waterfront Park that was damaged by the hurricane. Board approved a motion to have ECC price out a 6-foot anchored wooden walkway and replace and regrade the pea gravel at the Par
- Rainstorm Solutions will begin the work, which was previously approved by the Board, on the drainage project at 330 CSD and 700 block of CSD.
- HOA has obtained permission to use the property adjacent to the 1500 CSD block on which to pump the recurring excess rainwater on a short-term basis.
- HOA Board discussed the possibility of consolidating trash pickup to one day a week by all companies in area.
- The Board has made note of the severe damages to the road edges at new homes construction sites.
- Rick and Eric Corbett will do a ‘ride thru’ to identify the common areas needed to be cleaned and cleared.
- Gretchin Allnutt has volunteered to take charge of the community yard sale.
- Trisha has volunteered to take on the annual Easter egg hunt.
Secretary’s report: The minutes of the January 15, 2019 meeting were reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s report: Ray reviewed the PMC Financials for January 2019. Ray said collections were a bit lower than last year at this time; the January 2019 income was $66,639 which includes collections in December 2018 and January 2019. The Accounts Receivables are up from last year ($114,000), and this is partly due to the increase in dues plus the special assessment. HOA expenses are in line with what they should be currently. Treasurer’s report approved.
- Jonathan explained the Hurricane Preparation Plan of Action he drew up as a guide to be used for future natural disasters. This plan covers” Pre-Storm, During Storm and Post Storm” actions for the Board to implement when necessary.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Janet Gargano; 2nd by Jonathan Chrisant. All Approved.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm
Submitted by Janet Gargano, Secretary