January 19, 2021

Chadwick Shores Homeowner Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

January 19, 2021


Meeting was held at the Sneads Ferry Presbyterian Church with no Resident participation due to COVID-19.  Meeting was called to order at 7:05


Present: Rick DuFlocq- President

Peter Allen- Vice President 

Milton Uzzell – Treasurer 

Trisha Smith – Director at Large

Patti Sturm – Secretary 

Rachel Carter- Website Coordinator


  1. Peter Allen was Welcomed to the board.  Selection of Board Officers was conducted – all returning members to hold their positions with the addition of Peter Allen as Vice President. 
  2. There was a discussion of lessons learned from use of mail-in ballots for board elections, and potential future use of these type ballots for other purposes.
  3. It was agreed that ECC would continue as the HOA landscaping contractor.
  4. ECC to estimate removal of debris from empty lots that has been placed in the right of way by neighboring properties.
  5. Onslow County Sheriff’s Office to provide additional patrolling of waterfront park as allowed by their schedule.  Hiring off duty police was discussed as well as reforming of the community watch group.
  6. The increase in new construction was discussed.
  7. Chadwick Shores website coordinator discussed new website updates that are upcoming.  
  8. Mailchimp is seeing an increase in enrollment – startup of a welcome committee was discussed.
  9. Archiving of board emails to be undertaken.
  10. End of year financial report was discussed.  It was noted that the HOA realized a budget surplus this year.

Secretary’s Report – No report

Treasurer’s Report – Relevant budget items discussed. 

Vice-President – No report

Director-at-Large – Signage discussed.

Adjournment – Motion to adjourn made by Patti Sturm and seconded by Peter Allen Adjournment at 9:15
