June 16, 2020
Chadwick Shores Homeowner Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
June 16, 2020
Meeting was held at the Sneads Ferry Presbyterian Church with no Resident participation due to COVID-19. Meeting was called to order at 7:05
Present: Rick DuFlocq- President
Jonathan Chrisant- Vice President (Via phone from Japan)
Milton Uzzell – Treasurer – Absent
Trisha Smith – Director at Large
Patti Sturm – Secretary
Guinn Beaver – Resident Advisor
Rachel Carter – Website Administrator
- Drainage project at 434 Chadwick Shores Drive complete with exception of paving.
- Drainage work for the 334 CSD area was voted on and approved. Rainstorm Solutions will be contractor.
- Board discussed establishing routine preventative maintenance schedule for having HOA landscaping company clean out the drainage culverts on a rotating basis.
- Board, in conjunction with the HOA management company, continues to monitor whether trailers parked on owner’s properties are being used in violation of the HOA covenants. Warning letters will be sent out, as necessary.
- 2nd HOA dues late payment notices will be going out next week.
- SOP for food truck operation in the community has been finalized that addresses on-street sales and stationary sales at the playground.
- Board looking to get the AC unit at the gatehouse serviced to protect computer equipment housed inside.
- Board is going to ask for volunteers to help with the repair and resurfacing of picnic tables at both parks – notice to go out in Nextdoor and Mailchimp.
- 185 gate remotes have been sold thus far.
- Issue of Community Yard Sale was discussed. As this is not an HOA sponsored event, the board is not involved in it, residents will be responsible for organizing it.
- Soccer goal placement at the playground was discussed.
- Current and past year budget income and expenditures were discussed.
- New home construction continues in several locations within CS.
- CS website is going to be updated soon.
Secretary’s Report – Minutes for the May meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report – No report.
Vice-President – No report
Director-at-Large – No report
Adjournment – Motion to adjourn made by Richard DuFlocq and seconded by Trisha Smith. Adjournment at 8:00
Next Meeting is July 21, 2020 at 7pm Sneads Ferry Presbyterian Church.