June 21, 2022
June 21, 2022
Call to Order @ 6:00 pm
Roll Call of Members
Trisha Smith, President
Guinn Beaver, Director-at-Large
Milton Uzzell, Treasurer
Pete Allen, Vice President
Marianne Carter, Secretary
President’s Report:
- Drainage at entrance: Drainage at entrance: After speaking with four different customer service representatives via chat, phone, and email, as well as facilities maintenance, and a CenturyLink technician physically present at the facility location on 6/16 (gave me number 877-520-5002), William Hissam (303-542-6502) has emailed the facility manager of CenturyLink hut “Chadwick #1” detailing the drainage issue and requesting a response. Bill and facility manager have Trisha Smith’s contact information and will follow-up in approx. 1 week. Trisha will follow up if nothing is heard by the end of June.
- Bricks at gate entrance : Bricks to be replaced by Channel Marker—Chris Manning will follow-up if nothing is heard by June 24–they are having difficulty finding matching bricks even though Trisha gave them the entirety of bricks they knocked off the pillar. The HOA board authorized Trisha Smith to contact the delivery company who damaged the pillar while delivering home trusses for Channel Market Builders. Comtec is the company, and we will file damages with their insurance company.
- Gate maintenance status: Volunteers replaced the belts and batteries saving the association $700
- Speed humps/bumps/cushions: Significant time was spent on this issue, with respect to possible solutions. The only solution which is DOT approved are speed humps that are 3 inches high, 12-14 feet wide and 3-6 feet in length-built ramp style so it doesn’t damage vehicles. Other options were studied and not considered because of damage and liability issues. DOT approved humps do limit liability because of their specific design. The cost of this project would require a special assessment that would mean the HOA members would have to have a special vote and 2/3 vote. Refer to the CCR and bylaws for more information. It was noted that we only had 80 ballots cast by proxy and in person for the November 2021 elections. In 2020 members had to go door to door to get enough votes to support the proposed budget and election, so it is seriously doubtful that enough homeowners would be interested enough to vote for this special assessment. It was also noted that 40% of the homeowners are absentee (either they are part time residents, or they rent their homes).
The HOA board decided that in the interim steps would be taken to put up new speed signs that are more visual and reflective than the current wooden signs which are faded and deteriorating. After study the HOA board voted 4-1 to reduce the speed in the community to 15 miles per hour. Milton Uzzell was the lone dissenter. Trisha Smith will order the signs and have them installed. This should help alleviate concerns about speeding.
While doing even more research on speed limits/signs, as well as after Pete talked with several knowledgeable individuals, I’d like to propose that we get new speed limit signs at 15 MPH. We must assume most people will drive 5-10 MPH over the posted speed limit, regardless of what the limit says. The below graph shows that if we post 15 mph and people still go over (20mph), that only holds a 5% chance of a pedestrian death. Right now, at 25 mph speed limit, people are regularly going 30 mph, at which there’s a 45% chance of a pedestrian death should someone get hit. Decreasing the limit will also make it easier for law enforcement to cite someone with reckless driving. Refer to chart on next page.
We must assume most people will drive 5-10 MPH over the posted speed limit, regardless of what the limit says. The below graph shows that if we post 15 mph and people still go over (20mph), that only holds a 5% chance of a pedestrian death. Right now, at 25 mph speed limit, people are regularly going 30 mph, at which there’s a 45% chance of a pedestrian death should someone get hit. Decreasing the limit will also make it easier for law enforcement to cite someone with reckless driving. Refer to chart on next page.
- Residential list/billing audit results summary: PMC will run an audit of billing and per the CCR update undeveloped lot billing as well as correct any billings which were sent in error. As soon as water, septic is installed on a lot, the lot is considered developed and will be billed for full dues.
- ARC: The HOA board decided to add ARC process to the website to note that PRIOR to any construction the builder needs to submit ta stamped sealed Plat survey with the house drawings noting the setback and other CCR requirements have been met.
- PMC: new online system for homeowners, email was sent out for homeowners to register for the new system during July.
- Timeline for publication of meeting minutes: Minutes will now be published to the website after approval by HOA board members via email by 10 business days after meetings.
Resident’s Forum – no resident’s in attendance
Secretary’s Report – Marianne Carter – documented within minutes
Treasurer’s Report – Milton Uzzell
PMC financial reports were reviewed and a request for clarification on an expense was sent to PMC.
Vice-President – Peter Allen
Director-at-Large- Guinn Beaver
Adjourned at 8:28 pm