March 19, 2019
MEETING DATE: March 19, 2019
The CSHOA Board of Directors meeting was held at the Sneads Ferry Presbyterian Church on March 19, 2019 and was called to order at 7:00 pm by Rick DuFlocq, President.
In attendance: Rick DuFlocq – President
Jonathan Chrisant – Vice President
Janet Gargano – Secretary
Ray Baker – Treasurer
Patti Strum – Director at large
Russ Keith – Resident Advisor
Rachel Carter – Website Administrator
Chris Manning – Premier Management representative
Absent: Trisha Smith – Resident Advisor
Residents attending were Quinn Beavin, James Frederick
President’s report:
- Rainstorm Solutions has been dredging in the 300 block of Chadwick Shores Drive, and there has been a significant amount of water that has been drained and the area has been graded. It was discovered that the curbing has been damaged by a truck going over the newly graded strip. A camera inside one of the drainage pipes showed a small crack which will be repaired; the Board will not authorization any payments to the company until there is definite proof that everything works.
- Update on the Waterfront Park: the new strapping for the tree swings has been purchased; the dead tree limb and the tree in the parking area have both been cut and removed. The estimate for the replacement of the damaged section of the walkway and the pea gravel will be forthcoming. A sign will be purchased and placed at the dock advising that the ospreys are building their nest and caution is requested at the area. The Board is obtaining a price for replacement of the CSHOA sign at the park.
- Playground update: removal of the two trees previously authorized have been removed and the area will be graded and seeded. A new volleyball net has been purchased, and the ‘adult fitness’ equipment up and ready for use.
- ECC Landscaping has advised that the Spring plantings should be put in within the next few weeks.
- Rick and Eric Corbett drove the neighborhood to determine the areas where trees need to be trimmed back and/or cut down on the HOA right of ways. ECC will also continue to check all culverts to keep them cleared as per their contract.
- The HOA Board requested PMC to send letters to all the trash collections companies serving CS asking their cooperation to having a ‘single collection day’; the response was a resounding negative.
- The community yard sale is scheduled for May 18th; Gretchen Allnutt is running the event.
Secretary’s report: The minutes of the February 19, 2019 meeting were reviewed; motion to approve made by Ray Baker; 2nd by Jonathan Chrisant – All approved. The highlights will be posted on the CS website.
Treasurer’s report: Ray reviewed the PMC Financials for February 2019. The ‘special assessment” was budgeted at $26,481 and we have so far collected $22,000. Cash in the bank is $303,513 which is lower than was the amount last year at this time, but this is due to the hurricane expenses the HOA incurred. The Accounts Receivables are up, again, from last year by almost $29,000. HOA expenses are in line with what they should be currently, and the HOA is pretty much on budget.
A motion was made by Janet Gargano to approve the treasurer’s report; 2nd by Rick Duflocq – All Approved.
Vice-President –
- Jonathan has completed the final revision of the Hurricane Preparation Plan of Action which he drew up as a guide to for future natural disasters, and it will be used by the HOA Board to implement ” Pre-Storm, During Storm and Post Storm” actions when and where necessary.
Website Administrator –
- Rachel Carter presented her suggestions for an update to our CS website as to what she would like to implement; update the photos with a newer and brighter selection showing off more of Chadwick Shores amenities in a more ‘colorful and positive’ description of CS; implement a ‘blog site’ on the page for announcement, reminders and events.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Patti Strum; 2nd by Janet Gargano All Approved.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm
Submitted by Janet Gargano, Secretary