May 18, 2021
Minutes – May 18, 2021
Call to Order @1901
Roll Call of Members:
President- Rick DuFlocq
VP-Pete Allen
Secretary-Trisha Smith,
Treasurer-Milton Uzzell
Guinn Beaver (resident)
Chris Manning (PMC)
Rachel Carter (website manager/communications director)
Resident’s Forum- n/a
President’s Report –
- Filling vacant Board position
Per HOA bylaws, the BOD may appoint someone to replace a vacant position (Patti Sturm resigned as of April 2021. Trisha Smith has replaced Patti as secretary, leaving a director-at-large position open.)
The board is appointing Guinn Beaver (per volunteer) and he has graciously accepted.
- Completion of Fullard Dr. drainage project
Fullard Dr drainage work/repair has been completed and pavement laid.
- Status of drainage project at 708 CSD
Contractor has been selected, awaiting availability to begin (est. June).
- Road repairs at 328 CSD and intersection of Dale & Shellbank
Unable to secure pavement company to complete job, so PMC will seek one of their contractors to assist with repairing road deterioration at 328 CSD and Dale/Shellbank
- Installation of security cameras at waterfront park
Cameras have been installed at the waterfront park and will record for approximately 2 weeks prior to recording over.
- Discussion of adding security cameras to playground
Received a quote from Secure Lock for identical camera system to be installed at the playground as they installed at the dock park.
Rick made a motion to install cameras and it was approved by the BOD with a 4-1 vote. Signage will be obtained as well.
- Stop sign repair and reinstall (Everett & CSD)
McLean’s is repairing the stop sign and ECC will install the post upon receipt of the repaired post.
- Purchase of gatehouse A/C unit
No heat pump system in gatehouse (150 sq. ft). Needed is dehumidifier and 5000 BTU a/c, which is approx. $300-500. Mr. Allen located a GE Unit for approx. $300 and made the motion to purchase the GE Unit, seconded by Mr. Uzzell, and passed by the BOD unanimously.
- Pool installation at 235 Everett owner (request for equipment access via playground)
Pictures have been received from resident regarding status of playground area prior to work being completed; awaiting receipt of working video, per contract between HOA and homeowner.
- Front offset waiver request from 361 CSD lot owner/builder
Builder requested waiver from front offset r/t wetlands behind the house. BOD requests builder produces in writing the intent to leave a vegetative buffer on the property, as was previously stated. BOD approval contingent on written statement and board visual approval.
- Food truck evaluation
Food truck arrived 1.5 hours late due to traffic from Raleigh, but residents reported satisfaction with the food. No other food truck events have been scheduled as of now.
Secretary’s Report- Trisha Smith
Last month’s meeting minutes were approved by the BOD unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report – Milton Uzzell
BOD voted to remove late fees that were charged for those who only owed late fees but paid their dues.
Vice-President – Peter Allen
Director-at-Large- vacant (to be filled by Guinn Beaver)
Website Administrator/Communications Director- Rachel Carter
BOD incurred an increase of cost and voted to approve an increase cost of gate remotes to residents to $60 as of 7/1/21.
Recommended to send update on neighborhood emails on a monthly basis.
Resident Advisor – n/a
Executive Session
Adjournment –
Meeting adjourned at 2102.
Next Board of Directors meeting: June 17, 2021