May 21, 2019
MEETING DATE: May 21, 2019
The CSHOA Board of Directors meeting was held at the Sneads Ferry Presbyterian Church on May 21, 2019 and was called to order at 7:00 pm by Rick DuFlocq, President.
Present: Rick DuFlocq – President
Jonathan Chrisant – Vice President
Janet Gargano – Secretary
Ray Baker – Treasurer
Russ Keith – Resident Advisor
Rachel Carter – Website Administrator
Chris Manning – Premier Management representative
Absent: Patti Sturm – Director at Large
Trisha Smith – Resident Advisor
President’s report:
- The on-going drainage work is finally wrapping up except for an issue in the 300 block of CSD. Chris Manning will contact the company and advise them that payments are being withheld until the Board deems the work is satisfactory according to the contract.
- Update on the Waterfront Park: The Boardwalk has been completed, and the pea gravel has been put down, and the post caps are on. The cost ran $500 over the original estimate due to the fact that the underlayment needed to be replace before the pea gravel could be spread. Eric Corbett suggested putting sod at the left side of the Boardwalk at the bank because the saltwater has all but eroded the grass that was there. Board to take it under advisement for next month. The cost will be $300.00
- Playground update: the newly seeded grass area has not yet taken full growth and fence will remain up for now; the opening will be posted on the CS website.
- Vandalism: The street signs at Shore Court and Everett Drive were torn off the posts and the stop sign at Fullard Drive was almost pulled out of the ground.
- Speeding: Some of our residents volunteered to move the Speed Indicating Device around the neighborhood; it is hoped this might curtail some of the speeding.
- Gretchen Allnutt reported that the community yard sale which was held on May 18th was a success.
- The Board discussed having some type of celebration for July 4th – any suggestion from the community are welcome.
- Plans are still moving forward for an Octoberfest – more information to follow.
- Secretary’s report: The minutes of the April 16, 2019 meeting were sent to the Board for review and approval. The highlights will be posted on the CS website.
- Treasurer’s report: Ray reviewed the PMC Financials for April 2019. The total collected for the year to date is $79,188, with a large amount of this transferred back into our Reserves. HOA expenses are in line with what they should be currently; there is still is an outstanding expense of $12,000 for drainage and still to come is the repair of the front entrance gate and the purchase of the soccer goal. The sales of the gate remotes are up to 145. The Board does not anticipate any large Capital Expenditures going forward.
Motion to approve the Treasurer’s report made by Janet Gargano; 2nd by Rick DuFlocq; All Approved.
Vice-President – Jonathan priced out two ‘horseshoe pits”, for the Playground, at Lowes for $100; A motion was made by Rick DuFlocq to purchase the material for two (2) horseshoe pits at the Playground. Motion as 2nd by Janet Gargano; All Approved.
Director-at-Large – Patti has picked up the new signs for the Waterfront Park and the osprey nesting advisory; total cost was $115.00
Website Administrator – Rachel Carter is working on setting up links on our Chadwick Shores website to access dates for reservations for events to be held at the Waterfront Park. She is also planning on doing new photography on Waterfront Park and Playground area which have been improved this year.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Janet Gargano; 2nd by Jonathan Chrisant All Approved
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Submitted by Janet Gargano, Secretary