October 18, 2022
October 18, 2022
Call to Order @ 6:02 pm
Roll Call of Members
Trisha Smith, President
Guinn Beaver, Director-at-Large
Milton Uzzell, Treasurer – absent
Pete Allen, Vice President
Marianne Carter, Secretary
Resident’s Forum – Oktoberfest report:
Matt reported that approximately 100 people turned out for the Oktoberfest at the community playground on October 8 for food and games. It was so successful that he will coordinate again for St. Patrick’s day, combining with a Share The Table food collection and an Easter Egg hunt for the children.
Guest speaker: Eric Corbett, ECC
2023 Proposed Landscape/Maintenance proposal overview – Eric reviewed the changes to the mowing plan to reduce some costs in 2023. For the first time we have defined each expense associated with community landscaping and maintenance which is also broken out separately on the budget.
President’s Report-Trisha Smith
- New sign up at dock – Sign was installed at dock entrance. Milton Uzzell will install two other signs that he requested.
- Gate code changes for Jan 2023 – If someone wants a specific gate code change there will be a process in place to try to accommodate them.
- Soccer goals repair – The soccer goals are broken and a safety hazard. They get used daily by community children and we need to replace them with commercial soccer goals that will last longer than the ones we currently have. The estimate for replacing them is $3,000. On a motion by Marianne Carter seconded by Guinn Beaver the board voted 3-2 to replace the goals in 2022.
- The board has obtained some new signposts that will replace those which are rotten in the 400,700,1300, and 1600 block of Chadwick Shores drive. These will be installed by volunteers led by Trisha Smith.
Vice-President Report – Pete Allen
Pete continues to supervise and monitor active construction in the community.
Secretary’s Report – Marianne Carter
SOW with ECC-drainage plan – waiting on the final phased approach for maintenance. This is tentatively scheduled to begin late December and completed January 2023.
Treasurer’s Report – Milton Uzzell
Tabled due to Treasurer not able to be present.
Director-at-Large- Guinn Beaver : no report
Adjourned at 8:10 pm
Next Board of Directors meeting: ANNUAL Meeting Nov. 17