October 19, 2021
October 19, 2021
Call to Order @ 7 pm
Roll Call of Members
Marianne Carter, Secretary
Guinn Beaver, Director-at-large
Milton Uzzell, Treasurer
Pete Allen, Vice President
Trisha Smith, President
Resident’s Forum
President’s Report –
- Entry gate repairs
All 8 gate hinges have been replaced. Pete Allen will check to ensure that the old holes will be filled and then authorize Premier to pay the invoice.
- Gate Guard
Estimate for a guard would cost between $65k – $85k annually..
Updating call box
Trisha Smith, Rachel Carter and Marianne Carter will develop a process to revise all the gate codes and notify owners.Part of this strategy will be to develop a system to monitor and revise codes as homes are sold.
Gate opening and closing times – Currently programmed for 0530 and 2000 (5:30 am and 8:00 p.m.)
- Road Repairs
Trisha Smith will resend the spreadsheet of repair issues to PMC for quote on repair.
- Community Street Signs
PMC will review for signs and replacement costs.
- Waterfront Park Gate (Park Security)
Board voted unanimously to install bigger signs and brighter lights for security. The park has been delisted on Google maps as being a public park. Board will also remove the playground from Google maps as being a public park also.
- Replacing Rocks/stones for entrance island
Estimates will be obtained from ECC. Cost of mulch annually which is washed away during storms has continually increased. Stone would last longer.
- ECC Contract 2022
PMC is getting two more bids for work. Chris Manning will send the board a copy of the Statement of Work (SOW). We need to make sure that the SOW reflects each bid cost.
- Election and Annual Meeting
Nominations have been received for board members. Packages with the budget and nominee’s bios will be mailed in accordance with bylaws for the November 18 annual meeting.
- Mini-storage unit clean up
Guinn Beaver will help with the clean up of the 1 or 2 storage units. The second storage unit was not on the board’s radar. It appears that these units haven’t been used for several years and contain outdated material. Marianne Carter and Trisha Smith will review the documents for those that can be shredded as they no longer apply to the HOA.
- Upcoming NON HOA sponsored events
Food drive and coffee social was a huge success. A Pickup truck filled with food as well as $830 in donations were collected for Share The Table. February events will be scheduled, Coffee and Cocoa as well as an Easter Egg Hunt in April.
- Flag Status
HOA will only lower the flag for federal half staff declarations as well as any pertinent military need from our local military installations.
- Holiday Lights
Lights are to be installed around November 1.
Secretary’s Report-
- Approve September minutes
Minutes were sent via email to board members. The Secretary will resend minutes for an email vote for final approval.
Treasurer’s Report – Milton Uzzell
PMC financial reports were reviewed.
- CD renewal
CD is up for renewal Sept 2021. PMC is going to review current rates versus money market programs and provide a recommendation.
Vice-President – Peter Allen and Director-at-Large- Guinn Beaver
Ongoing reports of speeding and not stopping at stop signs were discussed. No action. .
Adjourned at 2043
Next Board of Directors meeting: November 18, 2021