September 10, 2021
September 10, 2021
Call to Order @ 1406
Roll Call of Members
Trisha Smith, BOD
Guinn Beaver, BOD
Pete Allen, BOD
Rachel Carter, Communications Director
Milton Uzzell, excused absence
Resident’s Forum
Board of Directors Report-
- Emergency meeting called due to the resignation of the CSHOA President.
- Filling empty board position:
- BOD has appointed Marianne Carter as an interim board member until elections in November.
- The board has voted to have Marianne as the interim secretary and Trisha Smith as the interim President.
- The remaining meetings of 2021 will be scheduled by Marianne and the Presbyterian Church with input from the BOD. Dates will be announced via email.
- Board will approve minutes from August via email
- The board has voted to restrict access to all HOA email accounts to only the current board members and the communications director. Notifications will be made by PMC
- Pete will be in contact with Chadwick Shores resident Jeremy Duvall re: gate repair/hinges to see if work can be completed in a more timely manner.
Next Board of Directors meeting: October 19, 2021
Report of HOA BOD activity:
- PMC verified that it is NOT required we have a September “residents’ meeting.” Past meetings have allowed for residents to voice their opinions, questions, or comments. Due to the sudden nature of the board members being changed, we have voted to eliminate the open meeting for September. We will still welcome residents at the November annual meeting.
- Road repairs:
- Pictures and descriptions are being collected to send to vendors to obtain quotes to fix noted small areas throughout the neighborhood
- Boat Ramp:
- A resident inquired about installing a community boat ramp. Old documents found in the HOA storage unit indicate that a boat ramp was not installed in the past because there was not an appropriate slope to do so. Unless we receive more inquiry, the board will not be investigating this issue at this time.
- Hanging branches in ROW
- Board contacted ECC with a request to trim back the ROW at the following locations, which were brought to the HOA by a bus driver as needing attention: